Winter Term, Week 4 Intentions

January Hymn: “Jesus, Friends of Sinners” by Charles Wesley (link to YouTube) (Link to printable Hymnal)

January Folksong: “I’ve Been Working on the Railroad” (link to YouTube)

Winter Term Poet A: James Whitcomb Riley (link to poems on AmblesideOnline) (One poem per Morning Meeting)

This Year’s Shakespeare: Henry V (We are reading through Henry with friends outside of our Morning Meeting.)

Morning Meeting Day 1:

  • Bible: (yr 7 week 30)  Joshua 7;  Psalm 96
  • History: This Country of Ours chapter 32: King Philip’s War
  • Picture Study: Edgar Degas (day-GAH; 1834-1917; French Impressionism)    The Dance Class, 1873-75

Morning Meeting Day 2:

  • Bible:(yr 7 week 30) Joshua 8;  Psalm 97
  • Myths: Age of Fable chapter 1 (1/3)
  • Composer Study: Sergei Rachmaninoff (1873-1943)    4 Vocalise, Op. 34, No. 14 (YouTubealso here)

Morning Meeting Day 3:

  • Bible:(yr 7 week 30) Luke 20:1-26; Proverbs 29:1-15
  • Myths: Age of Fable chapter 1 (1/3)
  • Citizenship: Plutarch’s Life of Publicola lesson 11

Winter Term, Week 3 Intentions

January Hymn: “Jesus, Friends of Sinners” by Charles Wesley (link to YouTube) (Link to printable Hymnal)

January Folksong: “I’ve Been Working on the Railroad” (link to YouTube)

Winter Term Poet A: James Whitcomb Riley (link to poems on AmblesideOnline) (One poem per Morning Meeting)

This Year’s Shakespeare: Henry V (We are reading through Henry with friends outside of our Morning Meeting.)

Morning Meeting Day 1:

Morning Meeting Day 2:

  • Bible:(yr 7 week 29) Joshua 5-6
  • History: This Country of Ours chapter 31: The Hunt for the Regicides
  • Composer Study: Sergei Rachmaninoff (1873-1943)  Symphony 2 in E minor op 27 (YouTube)

Morning Meeting Day 3:

  • Bible:(yr 7 week 29) Luke 19; Proverbs 28:18-28
  • History: Trial and Triumph Richard Lion of the Covenant
  • Citizenship: Plutarch’s Life of Publicola lesson 10

Winter Term, Week 2 Intentions

For several reasons, Morning Meeting only happens three times a week at our house. I’m finally learning to only plan three meetings. It took me a whole semester to figure that out. Between our CC community day and a  couple of other activities, we just don’t get to it four or five times. Three will just have to suffice in this season

January Hymn: “Jesus, Friends of Sinners” by Charles Wesley (link to YouTube) (Link to printable Hymnal)

January Folksong: “I’ve Been Working on the Railroad” (link to YouTube)

Winter Term Poet A: James Whitcomb Riley (link to poems on AmblesideOnline) (One poem per Morning Meeting)

This Year’s Shakespeare: Henry V (We are reading through Henry with friends outside of our Morning Meeting.)

Morning Meeting Day 1:

  • Bible: (yr 7 week 28)  Joshua 3; Psalm 92
  • History: This Country of Ours chapter 29: The Founding of Connecticut and the War with the Indians
  • Picture Study: Edgar Degas (day-GAH; 1834-1917; French Impressionism) The Belleli Family, 1862

Morning Meeting Day 2:

  • Bible:(yr 7 week 28) Joshua 4; Proverbs 28:10-17
  • History: Child’s History of the World Chapter 71: A King Who Lost His Head
  • Composer Study: Sergei Rachmaninoff (1873-1943)   2 Prelude in C-sharp minor Op 3 no 2 (YouTube)

Morning Meeting Day 3:

  • Bible:(yr 7 week 28) Luke 18:15-43; Psalm 93
  • History: Trial and Triumph Warrior King
  • Citizenship: Plutarch’s Life of Publicola lesson 9

Winter Term, Week 1 Intentions

January Hymn: “Jesus, Friends of Sinners” by Charles Wesley (link to YouTube) (Link to printable Hymnal)

January Folksong: “I’ve Been Working on the Railroad” (link to YouTube)

Winter Term Poet A: James Whitcomb Riley (link to poems on AmblesideOnline) (One poem per Morning Meeting)

This Year’s Shakespeare: Henry V (We are reading through Henry with friends outside of our Morning Meeting.)

Morning Meeting Day 1:

  • Bible: (yr 7 week 28)  Joshua 1
  • History: This Country of Ours chapter 28: How Maine and New Hampshire were Founded
  • Picture Study: Edgar Degas (day-GAH; 1834-1917; French Impressionism) Self-Portrait

Morning Meeting Day 2:

  • Bible:(yr 7 week 28) Joshua 2
  • History: Child’s History of the World Chapter 70: James the Servant
  • Composer Study: Sergei Rachmaninoff (1873-1943) 1 Piano Concerto No. 2 in C minor, Op. 18 (YouTube: played by Rachmaninoff)

Morning Meeting Day 3:

  • Bible:(yr 7 week 28) Luke 17
  • History: Trial and Triumph Duchess of Ferrara
  • Citizenship: Plutarch’s Life of Publicola lesson 8

Week 14 Intentions

Rejoice: Quiet for me, with Bible and prayer and writing something and planning. Writing morning pages and writing down a concrete plan for the day are still working together to help me focus and refocus frequently thought the day.

Relate: We looked yesterday at Thomas Gainsborough’s Girl with Pigs and The Blue Boy. We’ll continue reading about Beethoven in The Story of Beethoven, and we’ll listen to Beethoven’s String Quartet Op.59 No.1 “Razumovsky”

Remember: I did finally switch out the memory work for November this week. We starting working on a passage from Joshua 1. We kept Lewis Carroll’s Jabberwocky because we aren’t done with it yet. I added in “Home on the Range” because it came up in conversation a while ago. We live in Oklahoma, and night skies are amazing. We were out under the stars with some friends, and somebody started singing that song. The boys couldn’t sing along, so it went on my mental list. We also added the hymn “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty.” November promises to slow down a little from the schedule that we kept in October, so we should be able to master these things in short order and then move on.

Reason: We’ll continue with math and grammar as we have been. And one boy will continue with his study of JavaScript and Electronics.

Read: We’ll read bits of The World of Captain John Smith, Wild Animals I Have Known, Pilgrim’s Progress, Plutarch’s Publicola, Trial and Triumph, and Roger Lancelyn Green’s The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood. (Short lessons mean that we’ll be spending 15-20 minutes on each of those, so that list isn’t as long as it seems like.) We will continue reading this book of poems by William Blake. We need to listen again more of Henry V, and maybe watch the movie.

Record: The younger boys will do copywork and an IEW lesson. The older boy has multiple projects due as the end of the semester approaches.

Restore: There are plans to be at the YMCA at least twice this week, and Jon and I each have somewhere to be one evening this week. We are still working on that more rest problem that happens to all parents. We have been tired, and we love our kids and our multiple jobs (paid and unpaid) and our work. We are working on finding a way to keep our sanity while we keep doing the next thing.


Week 13 Intentions

You all, I am really running out of steam. The last couple of weeks have been nuts. This week is overbooked with things outside of the house. I’m going to cut my losses and just plan for the bare minimum of lessons and to accomplish laundry and meals and dishes. I look forward to returning to quieter days, but they aren’t here quite yet.

Rejoice: Quiet for me, with Bible and prayer and writing something and planning. Writing morning pages and writing down a concrete plan for the day are still working together to help me focus and refocus frequently thought the day.

Relate: We will talk about Bach and Cassett with a group of friends this week, and that is going to be it for art and music. I am not going to endeavor to do any listening to Beethoven’s compostions or looking at Gainsborough’s work

Remember: However, we still haven’t mastered Psalm 1 or Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll so I suppose we should continue on for a couple more weeks.  But I’m getting tired of Simple Gifts and  Nothing But the Blood of Jesus, so we will put in a new folk song and a new hymn next week. I am thinking about Over the River and Through the Wood for the folk song.  You know, because it shows up in A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving.

Reason: We’ll continue with math and grammar as we have been. And one boy will continue with his study of JavaScript and Electronics. I am teaching Latin to moms one evening.

Read: I’ll read aloud most days from Roger Lancelyn Green’s retelling of Robin Hood and from poems by William Blake. The younger boys will read for thirty minutes a day from books that are in our ridiculous personal library. I need to gather each boy a little pile of things that I think he will like to choose from. The Freshman needs to read 40 minutes a day from Twain’s The Adventures of Tom Sawyer if he wants to be able to complete the next composition assignment.

Record: The younger boys will do copywork and an IEW lesson. The older guy has a project to work on, and we all need to add to timelines and such.

Restore: There are plans to be at the YMCA at least twice this week, and don’t have anywhere to be in the evenings this week. That will help my sudden need for more rest since we should all get to bed on time.

Educational Intentions: Week 12

Rejoice: Quiet for me, with Bible and prayer and writing something and planning. Writing morning pages and writing down a concrete plan for the day are still working together to help me focus and refocus frequently thought the day.

Relate: We are switching artists this month. We are considering the art of Thomas Gainsborough.  We’ll continue reading about Beethoven in The Story of Beethoven, and we’ll listen to the Ninth Symphony

Remember: It is time (the beginning of the month) for me to switch out the memory work for November. However, we still haven’t mastered Psalm 1, Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll, the Shaker song Simple Gifts, and the hymn Nothing But the Blood of Jesus , so I suppose we should continue on for a couple more week. This is what happens when we don’t have a morning meeting four days a week. In October, we had a fantastic and busy month, but we didn’t get our stuff finished.

Reason: We’ll continue with math and grammar as we have been. And one boy will continue with his study of JavaScript and Electronics.

Read: We’ll read bits of The World of Captain John SmithWild Animals I Have KnownPilgrim’s Progress, Plutarch’s PublicolaTrial and Triumph, and At the Back of the North Wind. (Short lessons mean that we’ll be spending 15-20 minutes on each of those, so that list isn’t as long as it seems like.) It is time to change poets, so we will start with this book of poems by William Blake  . We need to listen again to Henry V Act 2, but we did finally finish Treasure Island. It took way longer than I planned, but the boys enjoyed it.

Record: The younger boys will do copywork and an IEW lesson. The older guy has a debate this week, and then a project to work on, and we all need to add to timelines and such.

Restore: There are plans to be at the YMCA at least twice this week, and don’t have anywhere to be in the evenings this week. That will help my sudden need for more rest since we should all get to bed on time.

Week 10 and Break Week Reflections and Intentions for Week 11

So, the week before our break kind of went … and we didn’t make it through anything except the bare basics for my younger kids and about half the assignments for my Freshman. And I just went with it. We did some other projects: shopped for prizes for Laps for Little Ones to help our friends at the Little Light House and completed some cultural studies with friends.

I suppose the good news about that is that we will cover the stuff I planned for last week this week. My Freshman will play catch-up and also accomplish this week’s work (including debate prep). However, I am pretty tired from our trip, and I hope for some time on the couch with books and discussion and maybe a nap.

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We spent our break week on the front range of the Rockies with my brother and his family. We soaked up the mountains and streams and relaxation. We shopped and fished and walked and slept and just hung out together. And we ate a lot of really tasty stuff like pot roast at home and ice cream at Lik’s. Yum. Yum.

Now we are home, and we miss my brother’s laugh and my nephew’s giggle and my sister-in-law’s quiet presence. But we’ll see them at Christmas. Until them, it is back to schoolwork and tutoring and cooking and cleaning and Mt. St. Laundry.

During the twenty-four hours we spent in the van coming and going, I finished up four books that were just for me (several of which I had been reading bits of here and there forever), and that was fabulous. The first one, I had laid aside two years ago (The Lost Pearle), and like all Lamplighter books, it turned a good tale. Pearle was forced to marry an evil man, and she worked her way out of that and back to a good one. I read a new release that started out interesting, but had a ridiculous ending, and I am not even linking it (Everything, Everything). I finished up The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown, which spoke to me, a recovering perfectionist, about being worthy of love and acceptance in spite of my mistakes and brokenness.

I also completed a review copy of Ann Voskamp’s The Broken Way, which was a poetic read about how our brokenness is healed not through holing up and waiting for God to heal it, but by continually giving hope to others in His name. We are all our own form of broken, and as we serve others, God uses that very brokenness to help them find healing. He heals us in the process. While I wish this book pointed the reader even more to Scripture for these facts, I have experienced these truths in my life.

I also started Alan Bradley’s new Flavia De Luce release, Thrice the Brindled Cat Hath Mew’d, which is a rollicking good time. I’m looking forward to our Drop Everything And Read moment today, because I’ll get to see what happens next. (If you haven’t met Flavia, you should. She’s a twelve-year-old chemical genius with a knack for discovering dead bodies and for solving their murders. She has a quirky and macabre wit that I find highly entertaining.)That was our Fall Break. Now it is over, and we are getting back to normal. (I hope.)

Educational Intentions: Week 10 and Break Week

Thank goodness Break Week is coming quickly. I am exhausted. Here are the plans, which will be carried out over the next two weeks, along with a few adventures I’ll record later.

Rejoice: Quiet for me, with Bible and prayer and writing something and planning. Writing morning pages and writing down a concrete plan for the day are working together to help me focus and refocus frequently thought the day.

Relate: We are switching artists this month. We are done with Rembrandt for the moment, and we’ll look at the art of Thomas Gainsborough.  And We’ll continue reading about Beethoven in The Story of Beethoven, and we’ll listen to the Ninth Symphony

Remember: We have new things to memorize this month, including Psalm 1, Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll, the Shaker song Simple Gifts, and the hymn Nothing But the Blood of Jesus (those links are all to YouTube videos we’ll watch at some point).

Reason: We’ll continue with math and grammar as we have been. And one boy will continue with his study of JavaScript and Electronics.

Read: We’ll read bits of The World of Captain John SmithWild Animals I Have KnownPilgrim’s Progress, Plutarch’s PublicolaTrial and Triumph, and Treasure Island. (Short lessons mean that we’ll be spending 15-20 minutes on each of those, so that list isn’t as long as it seems like.) It is time to change poets, so we will start with this book of poems by William Blake  . We need to listen again to Henry V Act 2, and when we finish Treasure Island (still hopefully this week), we’ll start on Robin Hood.

Record: The younger boys will do copywork and an IEW lesson. The older guy has plenty of work to do for an upcoming debate, and we all need to add to timelines and such.

Restore: There are plans to be at tae kwon do at least twice this week, and I’ll teach Latin for moms one evening. I’m also going to book club one evening. But I need to finish the book first. At least I am almost done…

Educational Intentions: Week 9

I am grateful that this week should be a little less crazy than last week. We have four of five days that will be our normal, and I get to be home most evenings, which bodes well for my household. Normal is good.

Rejoice: Quiet for me, with Bible and prayer and writing something and planning, because filling out that daily index card list is working well for me.

Relate: We are switching artists this month. We are done with Rembrandt for the moment, and we’ll look at the art of Thomas Gainsborough.  And We’ll continue reading about Beethoven in The Story of Beethoven, and we’ll listen to Symphony No 5 in C minor, Op 67.

Remember: We have new things to memorize this month, including Psalm 1, Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll, the Shaker song Simple Gifts, and the hymn Nothing But the Blood of Jesus (those links are all to YouTube videos we’ll watch at some point).

Reason: We’ll continue with math and grammar as we have been. And one boy will continue with his study of JavaScript and Electronics.

Read: We’ll read bits of The World of Captain John SmithWild Animals I Have KnownPilgrim’s Progress, Plutarch’s PublicolaTrial and Triumph, and Treasure Island. (Short lessons mean that we’ll be spending 15-20 minutes on each of those, so that list isn’t as long as it seems like.) It is time to change poets, so we will start with this book of poems by William Blake  . We need to listen to Henry V Act 2, and when we finish Treasure Island (hopefully this week), we’ll start on Robin Hood.

Record: The younger boys will do copywork and an IEW lesson. The older guy has an essay to complete on The Scarlet Letter, and we all need to add to timelines and such.

Restore: There are plans to be at tae kwon do at least twice this week, and two will have a golf lesson one evening. We’ll see what other rest and family fun we come up with. I know I have several books to finish.