Overall, last week was pretty good. I did make an unplanned trip to the Kansas City IKEA with my mom, and we bought a new bed that we still need to put together at her house, and some new cabinets that were assembled and installed in my dining room.
However, we didn’t get enough schoolwork done. This is one of the only downsides I have found to Classical Conversations. We needed to take a week off from school, but it would have meant sending my kids to class without their work. None of them like that, and I don’t want them to like being unprepared. So, sometimes we work when we’d rather not. My freshman finished most of his because he went to IKEA with us and had a total of eight hours in which to ride in the car and do schoolwork. The younger boys (who are in Foundations and Essentials) did the bare minimum to go to class prepared.
In reality, we are all tired and ready for the six weeks off that our campus takes from Thanksgiving into the New Year. Just a couple more weeks, and it will be here. And we’ll be grateful for all those broiling days in August when we schooled during the day and swam in the evening. (August is not kind to us Okies.)
This week we have a group activity that was rescheduled from another week, violin lessons, Lion King rehearsal, programming and electronics classes, and I am substituting for a director in my favorite Challenge level. So, we know that we will be having school on Saturday to make up for a fun day playing with Gramma. I’m OK with that. I suppose that I’d better make a plan and stick to it, though.