Resources for Pack A

In August, Oklahoma is usually unbearably hot. We tend to start school early because we would rather be outside in December than in August. Our CC Community’s Challenge classes open early in August also because our location does a lot of outreach during December. So, our summer of light school and lots of freedom is in May, June, and July.

We’ve dubbed our morning circle time “Council of Oaks” because it is a gathering of Oaks. Here are some resources we might use in August.

(Each of these links is an Amazon affiliate link that supports the work we do at Educating Oaks and in our homeschool. I have read them all, so I can recommend them. You can look for them wherever you wish, even in your local library.)

Poet: Emily Dickinson


Emily Dickinson’s Poems online:; PoemHunter; Poetry Foundation

Poem to Memorize: “Hope is the thing with feathers” by Emily Dickinson

Folk Song: The Star-Spangled Banner by Francis Scott Key

(Sheet Music Here)

Sung by:


Hymn: Nothing but the Blood by Robert Lowry

(Sheet Music Here)

Sung by:

Scripture Memory:

Philippians 1:1-6 ESV and 7-11 ESV

Philippians 1:1-6 KJV and 7-11 KJV

Artist: Grandma Moses


Grandma Moses’s Work online:  here; and here, and here, and especially here

Composer: Peter Tchaikovsky


Tchaikovsky’s Works on Amazon Prime Music:      

Shakespeare: Julius Caesar Act 1, Scenes 1 and 2


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