- Daily reading from Bible
- Continue to memorize Ephesians 6
- a few pages from Pilgrim’s Progress
- Hymn to learn: The Solid Rock (My Hope is Built on Nothing Less)
- Rembrandt’s The Night Watch
- Plutarch: Publicola, reading 5
- Christina Rossetti: one poem daily
- Beethoven, Ecossaise and some of the biography
- Intro to Shakespeare’s Henry V
- Genevieve Foster’s The World of Captain John Smith, 10 pages
- Science in the Scientific Revolution, lessons 1-4 labs with friends; read 5-8 for next week
- Treasure Island, five chapters
- Seton’s Wild Animals I Have Known, “Lobo,” finish chapter.
- Morning Meeting x4 with memory work review
- Folk Song: You’re a Grand Old Flag
- Thinking about What Makes a Hero?
- Golf, JavaScript, and Electronics classes for Micah
- Taekwondo for all the boys